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In The News

Read more about what’s happening at Texas Oncology and the newest advancements in cancer care. Here are the latest Texas Oncology news and stories highlighting local practices and patients. Select a search option below by cancer center, physician, media type and year and click the search button to find your results. Items in yellow are articles and items in blue are videos.

Search Media Coverage

World Cancer Day

Publication: KTEN.com (Website of KTEN-TV), Sherman
It's not uncommon to know someone who's dealt with cancer. Big strides have been taken to fight it, but there are still steps we can take to prevent it.

Healthy Priorities

Publication: Texas Medicine, Austin
In December, Texas Public Health Coalition unveiled its legislative priorities on immunizations, tobacco use, obesity, and cancer prevention for 2013.

Fighting Preventable Cancers: Resolve to Live a Healthy Lifestyle

Publication: Houston Community News, Houston
A World Cancer Research Fund and American Institute for Cancer Research study concluded that 1 in 3 cancers may be preventable with a healthier lifestyle.

My Cancer Doesn't Have a Color, Will it Have a Cure?

Publication: Cypress Creek Mirror, Houston

When you think of breast cancer, it’s virtually impossible not to think of the color pink. But what about esophageal cancer? What color comes to mind?

My Cancer Doesn't Have a Color, Will it Have a Cure?

Publication: Healthy Valley, McAllen
When you think of breast cancer, it’s virtually impossible not to think of the color pink. But what about esophageal cancer? What color comes to mind?

Top Cancer Advances of 2012

Publication: Healthy Valley, McAllen
Top cancer advances in 2012 include armed antibody to selectively deliver medicine to HER2-positive breast cancer cells, leaving healthy cells alone.

Amarillo: Breast Cancer Specialization

Publication: KFDA-TV (CBS)

Dr. John Coscia discusses the factors that have led to Texas Breast Specialists-Amarillo being named as a Breast Imaging Center of Excellence. 

Denison Husband and Wife Overcoming Cancer Together

Publication: KXII.com (website of KXII-TV), Denison
A Denison couple is using their battle with cancer as a source of inspiration and encouraging other cancer patients at Texas Oncology to stay positive.

5 Key Factors For The Proton Centers Planned For North Texas

Publication: KERANews.org (Website of KERA radio), Dallas
Two North Texas proton therapy centers are in the planning stages over the next few years—one at UT Southwestern in Dallas and a second in Las Colinas.

Help Wanted: The Unsung Heroes of Cancer Care Need Support Also

Publication: East Texas Review, Tyler/Longview
When Texas Oncology patient Barbara Warf was diagnosed with cancer, friend Violet Parsons and her husband accepted the job of caregiver without hesitation.