texas oncology more breakthroughs. more victories
Due to facility issues Texas Oncology–Las Colinas will be closed Monday, February 17–Tuesday, February 18 but plans to reopen Wednesday, February 19.  We apologize for any inconvenience. View More Important Notifications x

Media Center

Welcome to the Texas Oncology Media Center. We are eager to assist journalists, editors, bloggers, and content creators in developing engaging news coverage, feature stories, and other content for your readers and viewers. Here you will find the latest news, facts, and statistics about Texas Oncology and cancer and contact information for our media relations team.

Media Contacts

We’re here to help. Please contact us if you need assistance with coordinating interviews with physicians, experts, and patients, or if you need other background information.

Media Resources

Media assets for your use include fact sheets about cancer types and treatment methods, and about our practice, as well as information on clinical trials and research, current trends, and other issues.

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