texas oncology more breakthroughs. more victories
Due to facility issues Texas Oncology–Las Colinas will be closed Monday, February 17–Tuesday, February 18 but plans to reopen Wednesday, February 19.  We apologize for any inconvenience. View More Important Notifications x
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Vision, Mission & Core Values

Texas Oncology founders believed there was a better way to treat patients with cancer. Its mission, vision, and core values reflect the practice’s commitment to providing high-quality, evidence-based patient-centered care to cancer patients.

Our Vision

To be the first choice for cancer care.

Our Mission

To provide excellent, evidence-based care for each patient we serve, while advancing cancer care for tomorrow.

The Core Values of Texas Oncology

The principles that guide our practice are patient centered, and encompass three spheres:

Patient Care

  • To provide compassionate, individualized care for our patients.
  • To provide care that is comprehensive and coordinated close to our patients' home.
  • To attract and nurture the best physicians.
  • To recognize and support the central role of clinical research in advancing cancer care.


  • That engenders a collegial physician partnership.
  • That respects individuals and the collective wisdom of the group.
  • That embraces openness and fairness.

Business – Our practice values professional management that:

  • Promotes convenient access at rural and urban sites.
  • Provides leadership in efficient care delivery and improves all aspects of cancer care.
  • Provides a financial structure to expand services to our patients.
  • Is competitive in all aspects of our business.