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Dr. Alison Rome Joins Texas Oncology-Houston Southeast and Pearland

July 01, 2022

Alison M. Rome, M.D., hematologist and medical oncologist, is now seeing patients at Texas Oncology—Houston Southeast and Texas Oncology–Pearland. Dr. Rome reflects on what inspired her to pursue cancer care and touches on life outside of work.

What has working with cancer patients taught you about resiliency of the human spirit?

My patients inspire me every day. Despite the fear and anxiety associated with a cancer diagnosis, patients handle it with such strength and resilience. It is amazing to observe patients’ cancer diagnoses lead to positive life changes and personal growth.

What inspired you to specialize in cancer care?

During medical school, I was inspired by a mentor specializing in breast cancer. Oncology was fascinating due to the uniqueness of every patient and the rapidly evolving research and treatments available. I especially appreciate the continuity of care with patients and their families. Getting to know my patients and nurturing those relationships is an extremely gratifying aspect of oncology. The long-term relationships and bonds we form have motivated me on my career path.

What are you most looking forward to as cancer treatment continues to evolve?

Cancer treatment has been advancing rapidly, evolving from traditional chemotherapy to more targeted therapy, whereby we are now able to determine the genetic changes in each individual tumor. I look forward to further advances that allow us to target these genetic changes in each patient’s cancer.

What do you like to do in your free time?

Swimming has become my regular hobby over the past several years. It helps with my fitness and activity level and has become invaluable mentally by helping clear my mind. When I’m away from my practice, I enjoy traveling with friends and family.

If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

Time travel would be an exciting superpower to possess. I would love the ability to experience historical events and ancient cultures, as well as obtain a glimpse of our future.

What is your favorite movie?

As someone born and raised in Louisiana, “Steel Magnolias” is definitely my favorite movie. It accurately portrays the wit, strength, and resilience of southern women.

If you weren’t a doctor, what would you be and why?

I would consider a career in travel writing. I would love the freedom to explore exotic locations while writing to inform and educate readers about the different places and cultures. We can learn so much from our travels!

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