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Join Us in Welcoming Dr. Scott Celinski to Texas Oncology Surgical Specialists

February 08, 2021

Scott Celinski, M.D., surgical oncologist, is now seeing patients at Texas Oncology Surgical Specialists–Baylor Charles A. Sammons Cancer Center. Dr. Celinski shares what excites him about joining Texas Oncology and the future of cancer care.

What are you most proud of when you reflect on your medical career to date?

I am most proud of my patients, who are surviving and thriving after their operations for life-threatening cancers. The friendships I’ve created over the years are truly rewarding. I enjoy hearing about their children's weddings, new grandbabies, and other wonderful life events they have made it to with the help of our team.

What excites you most about joining an organization like Texas Oncology?

My career to date has focused on improving cancer patients’ quality of life and helping them live as long as possible. Texas Oncology is an organization dedicated to the exact same goals, focused on improving cancer care. I am excited about joining such a large team with the same mission.

I am looking forward to the day that I am out of a job because we no longer need to treat cancer, and instead have strategies that prevent people from ever developing cancer.”

What are you most looking forward to as cancer treatment continues to evolve?

I am looking forward to the day that I am out of a job because we no longer need to treat cancer, and instead have strategies that prevent people from ever developing cancer.

What are your hobbies outside of work?

I enjoy beekeeping and vegetable gardening with my two young daughters. The bees and the garden work together, with the bees pollinating the plants and the plants allowing the bees to make honey to share with my family.

Where is your favorite place you’ve ever visited?

My favorite place I’ve ever visited is the Swiss Alps. I love the mountains, snow, and glaciers. My favorite day was hiking around the Matterhorn. It was a beautiful, cool fall day with blue skies. The only problem was that all day there was a single cloud in the sky blocking the peak of the mountain! Despite this, it was magnificent.

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