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Real Superheroes

Publication: McAllen

I work with real superheroes every day who fight for their patients so they can fight cancer. As Thanksgiving approaches, I encourage you to join me and my colleagues in thanking nurses and other members of healthcare teams for the tremendous impact they make daily.

This year, more than 119,000 Texans will be diagnosed with cancer. Their treatment plans will be as diverse as their personalities. All will be united by a common factor: a team caring for them every step of the way.

Nurses are the unsung super heroes on the frontlines in the fight against cancer. They advocate for their patients. They give tirelessly of themselves in ways patients and families may never see — staying late to ensure nausea medications are working or using a smaller needle to protect a patient’s fragile veins. They hold a patient’s hand when fear sets in, and provide needed encouragement to make it to the next milestone. They have their own families and their own challenges, yet they put those aside daily to care for others.

Patient care is a calling. It is neither an easy profession nor one for the faint of heart, but one that is essential in the fight against cancer.

As we pause to reflect on our many blessings, let us be thankful for nurses and healthcare teams. I invite you to share your #SuperThanks for our super heroes at www.Facebook.com/TexasOncology.

Dr. Billie J. Marek, Texas Oncology-McAllen

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