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Supporting Your Loved One Living with Cancer

A cancer diagnosis deeply impacts patients and those who love them. When a patient is diagnosed with a cancer that is treated as a chronic disease, that diagnosis takes on new meaning.

As a result of advancements in diagnosis and treatment, approximately 14 million Americans are living with a history of cancer, according to the Journal of Oncology Practice. Two-thirds of these individuals are surviving five or more years after diagnosis.

These advancements in oncology are making it increasingly possible for patients to live longer lives through the management of cancer as a chronic illness. Think of people who manage diabetes or a heart condition through medication or maintenance therapy. The same is possible for patients with some types of cancer that can be managed as a chronic condition.

While these advancements are encouraging, a chronic cancer diagnosis can also feel scary, because it means the cancer isn’t cured. This requires lifestyle adjustments and may mean patients will need to lean on their loved ones for support in new ways.

Texas Oncology created the following resources for caregivers and loved ones of cancer patients to help them better understand cancer that is managed as a chronic disease and ways to provide support.