texas oncology more breakthroughs. more victories

Paris In The News

We are pleased to keep you informed on the latest news related to our practice in Paris.

Texas Oncology offering ‘GREAT’ program for breast cancer

Publication: The Paris News

MEDICAL COLUMN: Five Strategies for Men to Combat Their Cancer Risk Today

Publication: Palestine Herald-Press

The Benefits of Meditation for Cancer Patients

Publication: The Pittsburg Gazette

MEDICAL COLUMN: The Benefits of Meditation for Cancer Patients

Publication: Palestine Herald-Press

Texas Oncology providing care for more than 30 years

Publication: The Paris News

Guarding Your Heart During and After Cancer Treatment

Publication: Palestine Herald-Press

When You Are the Cancer Caregiver

Publication: Pittsburg Gazette

BREAST CANCER AWARENESS: Delco kicks off campaign

Publication: The Paris News

BREAST CANCER AWARENESS: GREAT program at Texas Oncology

Publication: The Paris News

Cancer Topics - Oncology Practice In Rural Settings Part 2

Publication: ASCO Education Podcast