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Due to facility issues Texas Oncology–Las Colinas will be closed Monday, February 17–Tuesday, February 18 but plans to reopen Wednesday, February 19.  We apologize for any inconvenience. View More Important Notifications x
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East Texas Cancer Resources

Texas Oncology provides comprehensive cancer treatment and compassionate cancer care to patients in the East Texas area. Using leading-edge technologies and innovative treatments for all types of cancer, including those below, our physicians are focused on one thing: helping our patients fight cancer and blood disorders.

Breast Cancer Treatment in East Texas

Texas Oncology physicians in the East Texas area have deep experience in treating many types of breast cancer for females and males. Texas Oncology offers chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery, proton therapy, targeted therapy, bone-directed therapy, and hormone therapy. Individually tailored combinations of these therapies and others are used to treat breast cancer for our East Texas-area patients. Learn more about breast cancer.

Colon Cancer Treatment in East Texas

Texas Oncology in the East Texas area provides advanced treatments for colon cancer. Colon cancer typically lacks symptoms in the early stages, which makes cancer screening essential. Colon cancer patients can be treated with chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery, proton therapy, and targeted therapies. Learn more about colon cancer.

Lung Cancer Treatment in East Texas

Lung cancer, one of the most prevalent cancers in the United States, can be treated with leading-edge technology and techniques in the East Texas area. Lung cancer treatment options with Texas Oncology include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, proton therapy, surgery, immunotherapy, and targeted therapies. Lung cancer patients in the East Texas area, depending on the stage, may be treated by a team of specialists, including pulmonologists, thoracic surgeons, medical oncologists, and radiation oncologists. Learn more about lung cancer.

Prostate Cancer Treatment in East Texas

Texas Oncology in the East Texas area offers leading-edge techniques for treating prostate cancer, the most common cancer among men. Prostate cancer treatment options vary depending on how advanced the cancer is and if it has spread to other parts of the body. Treatments can include surveillance, surgery, radiation therapy, proton therapy, hormone therapy, chemotherapy, vaccine treatment, bone-directed treatment, and cryotherapy. Learn more about prostate cancer.

For prostate cancer patients in East Texas, we offer prostate seed implants as another treatment option locally. Prostate seed implants are a form of low dose rate (LDR) brachytherapy treatment. Small radioactive “seeds” are inserted close to the tumor and give off their radiation in low doses over time to kill the cancer cells and then become inert.