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Due to facility issues Texas Oncology–Las Colinas will be closed Monday, February 17–Tuesday, February 18 but plans to reopen Wednesday, February 19.  We apologize for any inconvenience. View More Important Notifications x
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Support Groups

Cancer affects far more than your body; your psychological and emotional health must also be considered. Our focus is the whole person, as well as the needs of friends and family that care for you. Groups can help resolve feelings of isolation, loneliness, and are a source of valuable information and encouragement. Texas Oncology support groups bring patients together virtually to share experiences, receive guidance, and to feel a sense of community. Support groups are only available to Texas Oncology patients.


The Rainbow of Hope and Healing: An Open LGBTQ+ Cancer Support Group

A place for LGBTQ+ community members to come together to discuss their unique experiences as they face a cancer diagnosis and navigate their healthcare. This group provides an opportunity for patients to share their cancer journey, provide suggestions to each other, and find support from likeminded individuals. Patients may register once and attend the meetings that are convenient for their schedule.

For any LGBTQ+ cancer patient or survivor.

Upcoming Group Dates:
Every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month
Time: 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. CT

Stronger Together: Open Support Group for Cancer Patients

A place for cancer patients to meet others with similar struggles, share stories and suggestions, and find support, all while fostering relationships. Patients are able to register for the sessions that are convenient for their schedule.

For any patient in treatment.

Upcoming Group Dates:
Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. CT

Beyond Cancer: An Open Discussion For Cancer Survivors

Conversations will include topics such as survivorship, relationship changes, nutrition and exercise, and fear of recurrence. Patients are able to register for the sessions that are convenient for their schedule.

For patients that have completed treatment within six years.

Upcoming Group Dates:
Every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month
Time: 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. CT

Meaning-Centered Support Group

This program addresses the needs of those with advanced cancer as they continue treatment and strive to live a meaningful life. A commitment to attend for eight consecutive weeks is requested. Meetings last an hour and a half each week.
The curriculum is adapted from Meaning-Centered Group Psychotherapy for Patients with Advanced Cancer By William S. Breitbart and Shannon R. Poppito.

For patients with Stage IV cancer of any kind.

Upcoming Group Dates:
Wednesdays with sessions beginning on March 5, June 4, and September 3. Click Register Now below and select the eight week session of your choice.
Time: 3:00 p.m.- 4:30 p.m. CT

The Languages of Love Support Group: Connecting with Your Partner During Cancer

Texas Oncology is collaborating with The University of Texas to understand the importance of emotional support between patients and their partners and how that affects the quality of life for cancer patients. Participants will closely follow the book “The Five Love Languages” by Gary Chapman to learn their love languages, partners will perform actions within each love language for six weeks, and take pre and post surveys regarding quality of life and relationship satisfaction.

For any cancer patient and their partner.

Upcoming Group Dates:
Tuesdays with sessions beginning on April 1 and September 16. Click Register Now below and select the six-week session of your choice.
Time: 6:00 p.m.- 7:30 p.m. CT

Catching Cancer's Curveballs: A Skill-building Workshop

This workshop will focus on understanding the emotional impact and effects of stress on the body, as well as providing skills to manage daily challenges related to cancer. Patients are able to register for the topics that are of interest.

For patients at any point of the cancer experience.

Upcoming Group Dates:
The 2nd Wednesday of every month. Click Register Now below and select the topic of your choice. Registration is only needed one time, even if you are interested in multiple topics.
Time: 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. CT

New Group! Living Well with Benign Hematology: A Support Community

Many benign hematological disorders are inherited, chronic non-cancerous blood conditions that require continuous treatment to prevent life threatening symptoms.
This class can help you cope with the fears, worries, and sadness that often arise from experiencing a chronic medical condition. Each week you will learn new tools, so please plan to attend for all five weeks.

For any hematology patient.

Upcoming Group Dates:
Tuesdays with sessions beginning March 4 and August 5
Time: 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. CT

Grupo de apoyo virtual para pacientes que hablan español

Esta clase puede ayudarle a afrontar los miedos, las preocupaciones y la tristeza que a menudo surgen tras un diagnóstico de cáncer. Aprenderá nuevas herramientas cada semana, así que planee asistir a todas las cinco semanas.

Grupo de apoyo virtual para pacientes que hablan español.

Fechas Próximas de Grupos:
Las sesiones comienzan el 6 de marzo y el 10 de julio. Haga clic en Registrarse ahora a continuación y seleccione la sesión de cinco semanas que prefiera.
Horario: Hora: 12:00 p. m. a 1:30 p. m., hora central

Texas Oncology Foundation

For educational and support opportunities specific to caregiving, survivorship, and grief, please visit our Foundation’s page to learn more:


For any cancer caregiver, survivor, or adult who is grieving the loss of a loved one to cancer.