McAllen Patient Support Services
Treating cancer and blood disorders goes beyond medicine. Our cancer center in McAllen has a wide range of support services for you and your caregivers. Our services include:
Educational Services
Patient-specific education is provided by a licensed advanced nurse practitioner for patients receiving chemotherapy.General information and community education programs are offered through planned events. For more information on dates and times, please contact our office at (956) 687-5150.
Nutritional Services
Support Groups
Cancer affects far more than your body; your psychological and emotional health must also be considered. Texas Oncology offers support groups throughout the state of Texas to offer our patients and their family the support they need.
Learn more.
We host support groups for breast cancer survivors and prostate cancer survivors. Additionally, the American Cancer Society routinely hosts information forums, and provides support and resources at our location. For more information on dates and times, please contact our office at (956) 687-5150.
Volunteer Programs
Our volunteer program enables you to make a difference in the lives of our patients. To volunteer or receive additional information, please call our office at (956) 687-5150.
Where to Eat
There are numerous restaurants in the immediate area. If you need specific instructions or recommendations, please contact our office (956) 687-5150.
Where to Stay
There are numerous hotel accommodations in the immediate area.If you need specific instructions or recommendations, please contact our office (956) 687-5150.
Other Services
We offer one-on-one new patient education for chemotherapy patients, by a licensed and board-certified nurse practitioner.