texas oncology more breakthroughs. more victories
Due to facility issues Texas Oncology–Las Colinas will be closed Monday, February 17–Tuesday, February 18 but plans to reopen Wednesday, February 19.  We apologize for any inconvenience. View More Important Notifications x
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My Texas Oncology Team

You’ll have a team treating your cancer that will include your medical oncologist as we well as surgeons, radiation oncologists, and other physicians.

Texas Oncology uses evidenced-based best practices to guide patient treatment across our network in a program known as Pathways. Our advantage lies in our extensive, coordinated network of more than 550 physicians. Your doctor can consult with and refer to colleagues, enabling you to benefit from multiple medical opinions.

Some of the most important people you will meet are on your care team. They provide compassionate care and are ready to fight by your side. Your team members may include:

  • A medical oncologist
  • A radiation oncologist
  • A surgical oncologist or surgeon
  • Oncology nurses
  • Patient educators
  • Radiation therapists
  • Medical technologists
  • Pharmacists
  • Patient service representatives
  • Social Worker
  • Clinical research coordinators

You play a vital role on this team. Good communication is essential, and you know your body better than anyone else. Please tell your doctor or nurse if you are experiencing symptoms or have concerns about something that just doesn’t seem right. Always free to ask questions or have something explained in more detail.