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“You Don’t Need a Cape to Be a Hero. You Just Need a Mask.”

May 18, 2020

Even as state and local governments take steps to reopen the economy, Texas Oncology’s focus remains on delivering needed care while prioritizing safety. That means we must insist on requiring everyone in our clinics to wear face masks and practice social distancing.

All of us are understandably eager to return to the way things were before COVID-19. But when it comes to how we manage care for our uniquely vulnerable patients, we cannot let our guard down.

Texas Oncology’s COVID-19 Task Force, made up of physicians, nurses, and other practice leaders, will continue to follow guidelines from the CDC and state and local public health agencies. We appreciate the cooperation of our patients and staff as we navigate this public health crisis. For now, that includes wearing face coverings or masks, which put simply, can save a life.

Please take a moment to view the video below, in which Kate Wallace, RN, BSN, OCN, manager of nursing services at Texas Oncology–South Austin, Bastrop, and Austin Lakeway, reminds us, “You don’t need a cape to be a hero. You just need a mask.”

For upcoming webinars visit www.TexasOncologyFoundation.org.