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Dr. Winston Chan joins the Texas Oncology Surgical Specialists team

May 02, 2019

The Texas Oncology Surgical Specialists team recently welcomed Dr. Winston Chan, who is now seeing patients at our Arlington North, Baylor Charles A. Sammons Cancer Center, and Plano East locations. We sat down with Dr. Chan to learn more about his experience as a colorectal surgeon.

When did you decide you wanted to be a physician? Do you have any family members in the medical field?

I decided I wanted to be a physician when I took my first human anatomy class in college at University of California Berkeley. From then on, I wanted to be an expert at human anatomy and physiology, and use that knowledge to treat patients as a surgeon.

I worked for my father, who is an optometrist, during the summers before college. I used to be the guy in the backroom mounting the lenses on the glasses frames and dealing with the tiny screws into the frame.

What excites you most about joining Texas Oncology?

I am ecstatic about joining an organization like Texas Oncology because it will allow me and my co-physicians to work as a team to treat cancer more efficiently and effectively.

In your opinion, what is the single most important breakthrough in cancer research to date, and how have you seen it change the course of treatment?

In my field of colon and rectal surgery, robotic surgical technology is an important breakthrough because it allows me to complete complex surgeries through tiny small incisions, which speeds recovery, decreases pain, and improves patient satisfaction with better cancer outcomes.

Who inspires you and why?

God is my biggest inspiration and the answer explains itself!

What advice would you give someone who is aspiring to be a physician?

Treat all people as if they are your family members.

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