For Nikesh Jasani, M.D., being an oncologist means constantly learning and growing professionally and personally. Get to know Dr. Jasani, Texas Oncology–Cypress Fairfield’s newest medical oncologist.
What excites you most about joining an organization like Texas Oncology?
The ability to join an organization with a mission that is aligned with my personal views is an amazing opportunity. Texas Oncology’s mission – to provide evidence-based and compassionate care for each patient while striving to advance and improve care for future patients – resonates with me.
When did you know you wanted to work in the medical field?
Several members of my family are in the medical field. I met my wife in medical school, and she practices as a pediatrician. I have always been drawn to science and biology and knew from a young age that I wanted to pursue a career in medicine. My journey in medicine has been fulfilling both professionally and personally, as the compassion and empathy in oncology are attributes that I cherish and carry in all aspects of my life.
The compassion and empathy in oncology are attributes that I cherish and carry in all aspects of my life.”
What do you think the future of cancer treatment will look like?
The field is moving and advancing so fast, and there have been many groundbreaking discoveries in recent years. The future of cancer treatment will be based on the genetic and molecular data we are seeing from personalized cancer care. Revolutionary treatments such as adoptive cell therapy and T-cell engineering, which use the body’s own immune system to fight cancer, will continue to advance and lead to improved patient outcomes. The field will also continue improving the supportive and emotional aspects of caring for chronically ill patients.
What advice would you give someone who is aspiring to be a doctor?
As physicians, we’re constantly learning, improving, and growing. Being a physician is extremely rewarding yet can be immensely challenging. Look at the journey to becoming a doctor as an experience that allows you to grow and develop humanistic and scientific-based skills, which will positively affect all aspects of your personal and professional lives.