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DeSoto Woman Chooses to Have Breast Cancer Surgery Broadcast Live on Facebook

Publication: KXAS-TV (NBC, Dallas-Fort Worth)

A DeSoto woman is taking a huge step in breast cancer awareness by allowing doctors to perform her breast cancer surgery live on Facebook.

The surgery took place Thursday at Methodist Charlton Medical Center and it's said to be the first time a lumpectomy has been broadcast live for everyone to see.

Breast surgeons, radiation oncologists and the executive director of Susan G. Komen Dallas were in the operating room to answer questions from Facebook users in real time.

Breast Surgical Oncologist Dr. Allison DiPasquale performed the surgery on 50-year-old Sonia Johnson.

"When we first came to her with the idea, she said, 'Sign me up. Where can I do this? How many women can I impact? How many lives can I save?' And we had the same thoughts going into this, that yes, this is a little unconventional but this is the way to reach the community now," said DiPasquale.

Johnson hoped sharing her journey will help others understand what treatments are available and how important early detection can be.

"I'm not a celebrity. I am every other person's sister, mother, friend and we can all do this if we just come together and get tested early," she said.

DiPasquale removed the tumor through a small incision in Johnson's armpit, leaving her no scars on her breast.

Johnson was able to go home the same day.

"You don’t need to have a mastectomy. You don’t need to have your breast removed. You don’t bleed to be mutilated. The goal of today is for Sonia to look into the mirror and see herself, not the cancer," said DiPasquale.

Click here to watch the full story.

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