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Texas Oncology El Paso Announces Expansion and Renovation

Publication: KTSM-TV (NBC, El Paso)

Dr. Ines J. Sanchez explained how the expansion will accommodate more infusion chairs, exam rooms and other state of the art facilities for the growing number of patients in the region.

Expansion of the four Texas Oncology sites will allow all the facilities to adjust to the thousands of patients that they see and now, and in the future.

“First it will increase the capacity to be able to treat more patients also it will pretty much renovate the facilities that are so old so the experience for the cancer patient will be enhanced.”

As Texas Oncology El Paso treats patients from around borderland the increase in capacity will allow all patients to receive the care they need.

“We actually provide care for patients in New Mexico you know all the way to Presidio, Big Bend area Fort Stockton, Van Horn everybody gets care here so actually we need to increase the capacity.”

With the growing number of people across the nation diagnosed with cancer, Dr. Sanchez believes that these new facilities will entice new oncologists to come to work in the area.

“There’s a big need in El Paso for medical oncologists for oncology nurses I mean there’s a national shortage for medical oncologist so that is one thing we can do to attract more talent into El Paso.”

Dr. Sanchez also says that the gateway facility will be complete in October of this year with the other set to be complete by next year.

Click here to watch the full story.

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