Even at 76 years old, James Miller was resolute in hoping his prostate cancer diagnosis would never hold him back, or impact life as he knew it.
As an athlete, whose strength lies in his physical health, James feels grateful to have found a treatment option that helped him aggressively fight his disease, while minimizing the toll on his body, energy, and stamina, and increasing his motivation to continue living.
James was diagnosed with prostate cancer in February 2019. His prognosis was good, but James was most worried about the impact treatment would have on his physical capabilities. Most importantly, James wanted to continue his long-distance walks, up to five miles every morning, just as he had for most of his life.
In discussing his treatment options with his care team, James was reassured he would retain his physical ability. After meeting with radiation oncologist Anand Shivnani, M.D., of Texas Oncology–McKinney, James was optimistic about a treatment method that could reduce his treatment time.
Treatment Precisely for Him
Under the care of Dr. Shivnani at Texas Oncology–McKinney, James chose to participate in a clinical trial for stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT), a form of radiation therapy that delivers precisely-targeted radiation at very high doses, all while minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissue.
“For James, it was incredibly important that we get him through treatment with minimal side effects, so he could get back to living his life,” Dr. Shivnani said. “There are always long-term challenges, but it’s crucial patients have the ability to get their lives back once they’re done with treatment.”
James decided to forego traditional radiation therapy and surgery to enroll in the SBRT clinical trial for prostate cancer. He was randomized to the trial requiring only five sessions. Traditional radiation therapy would have required 45 sessions, taking up to nine weeks to complete. Clinical trials like this one offered at Texas Oncology potentially help improve the future of cancer care for all patients.
“You never know what cancer will do to your body,” James said. “I was never afraid of my cancer diagnosis, but at my age, I didn’t want treatment to hold me back, or keep me from going on with my life as normal.”
I was never afraid of my cancer diagnosis, but at my age, I didn’t want treatment to hold me back, or keep me from going on with my life as normal.”
Living Life Just the Same
James completed treatment nearly six months ago, and recent scans and PSA levels indicate he remains cancer free. He’ll return for follow-up consultations with Dr. Shivnani to ensure all remains clear. While James experiences fatigue on occasion, he attributes that to age more than a lasting impact of his cancer.
Even today, six months post treatment, James wakes up at 5 a.m. every day to walk his five miles – and he doesn’t have plans to quit any time soon.
“I live just as I did before,” James said. “I am grateful to say that cancer didn’t stop me from doing anything. That’s because of my treatment.”