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Solving a Fifteen-Year Mystery

David Tull

"My wife is my A.G.A. – Advocate Guardian Angel. She's been on this 15-year journey with me, and I wouldn't trade that for anything in the world."

David Tull
Prostate Cancer

If love is ‘what you’ve been through together,’ as author James Thurber wrote, then David and Susan Tull surely are the very definition of love. Through a 15-year cancer mystery and a host of additional health issues for David Tull, he’s had his wife Susan by his side every step of the way.

David was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2003 while living in Florida. But even after surgery to remove the prostate, he continued to have high PSA test results, indicating the cancer was not completely gone.

His urologists were baffled. How could he have a PSA reading when his prostate had been removed? This question would loom for 15 years.

With the encouragement of his son, David and Susan relocated to Texas a few years ago to be closer to family.

When his PSA count began rising again in 2016, David was referred to Dr. Courtney Sheinbein of Texas Oncology-Round Rock Seton Williamson. Dr. Sheinbein ordered a 3 Tesla MRI – an advanced scan that produces a more vivid image – of the prostate fossa, the area where the prostate lies.

The scan revealed a dime-shaped nodule. Small in size. Huge in importance.

Back when he was first diagnosed, David declined radiation fearing the harmful side effects of the treatment. But technology has advanced dramatically, and he received far more precise radiation, with minimal harmful effects to nearby healthy tissue.

David said that Dr. Sheinbein and his staff’s professionalism, expertise, and compassionate care gave him great comfort.

“I was treated with such care by Dr. Sheinbein’s staff. They put me at ease,” said David. “Dr. Sheinbein and the nurses were absolutely wonderful. I was comforted in knowing that the professionals were taking place of business. If there were more than 5 stars you could give to a group, we’d give it to them.”

At the end of radiation, David’s PSA was 0.9, before dropping to 0.4 and eventually 0.2. In May 2018, David’s latest PSA showed 0.05—the lowest it’s ever been and a test result he’s waited 15 years to hear.

The information included in this testimonial is based on one patient’s unique experience and is not intended to represent all patient outcomes or expectations.